Correct Pronunciation of ‘Bargain’

🗣️ Today’s pronunciation focus is the word ‘bargain’. It means to buy something for less than the usual price. What’s the latest bargain you got and why? 🗣️

Examples with 'bargain'


Examples with 'bargain' 〰️

  1. Emily was thrilled to find a beautiful dress on sale, considering it a real bargain compared to its original price.

  2. After some friendly haggling, Tom managed to strike a bargain with the car salesman, getting a great deal on his new vehicle.

  3. The antique shop offered a rare collectible at a bargain price, attracting enthusiasts from far and wide.

  4. Susan was an expert at finding bargains online, always on the lookout for discounts and special promotions.

  5. The negotiations between the two companies resulted in a mutually beneficial bargain, paving the way for a successful partnership.

Today’s Writing Challenge

Can you write a 100 word paragraph about the latest bargain you got?

If you need help, check out my Black Friday blog post 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 here. 👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻. It includes other vocabulary for saving money!

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