English Advent Calendar: Day 8

🎁 Welcome to my English Advent Calendar, day 8! I’ll be posting a blog entry every day this month up until Christmas! It’s going to be filled with collaborations of friends, family, my English students and fellow online English teachers. 🎁

👀 Video Transcript 👀

Hello! I’m Ben from the U.K and one of my favourite English words is wanderlust, wanderlust. Now, this means a strong desire to travel or to move and I like this word, partly because of its meaning, but also because it just sounds nice, doesn’t it? It’s nice to say, wanderlust. I also think it has a kind of magical feeling to it, but maybe that’s just me.
— Ben, England


(noun) ​a strong desire to travel

  1. Her constant daydreaming about exotic destinations and foreign cultures is a clear manifestation of her wanderlust.

  2. The travel blog is a perfect outlet for sharing experiences and tips with fellow wanderlust enthusiasts.

  3. Despite having a demanding job, his wanderlust led him to explore new countries during every vacation opportunity.

  4. The vibrant images in the travel magazine ignited a sense of wanderlust in readers, inspiring them to plan their own adventures.

  5. A deep sense of wanderlust overcame her as she flipped through the pages of the atlas, dreaming of the places she longed to visit.

Join my Christmas quiz!

When? Monday 11th December, 19.00 Central European Time

Where? Online, Teams!

Why? To practise your English speaking skills and meet students from around the world!

Join now!


English Advent Calendar: Day 9


English Advent Calendar: Day 7