English Advent Calendar: Day 10

🎁 Welcome to my English Advent Calendar, day 9! I’ll be posting a blog entry every day this month up until Christmas! It’s going to be filled with collaborations of friends, family, my English students and fellow online English teachers. 🎁

👀 Video Transcript 👀

Hello! My name is Seth. I’m an English teacher from the United States but I live in Rome, Italy and I love many words as an English teacher, of course but a word I particularly like is ethereal, ethereal.
— Seth, U.S.A


(adjective) extremely light and beautiful; seeming to belong to another, more spiritual, world

  1. As the morning sun rose, casting an ethereal glow over the mist-covered meadow, it felt like a scene from a dream.

  2. The ballerina moved across the stage with an ethereal grace, captivating the audience with her seemingly weightless and otherworldly movements.

  3. The music, with its haunting and ethereal notes, created a mesmerising atmosphere that transported listeners to a realm beyond the ordinary.

  4. The bride looked ethereal in her flowing white gown, as if she had stepped out of a fairy tale.

  5. The forest at dawn had an ethereal quality, with sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a magical and enchanting ambiance.

Join my Christmas quiz!

When? Monday 11th December, 19.00 Central European Time

Where? Online, Teams!

Why? To practise your English speaking skills and meet students from around the world!

Join now!


English Advent Calendar: Day 7


English Advent Calendar: Day 6