English Advent Calendar: Day 6

🎁 Welcome to my English Advent Calendar, day 6! I’ll be posting a blog entry every day this month up until Christmas! It’s going to be filled with collaborations of friends, family, my English students and fellow online English teachers. 🎁

👀 Video Transcript 👀

Hi everybody! My name is Aoife and I’m from Ireland and my favourite English word, well I have so many, my favourite one is nuance, nuance. I love it because it means the subtlety in meaning and I think this is what we need more of in the world and this is what the world is missing is nuance. So what the word represents, the way it sounds, the way it feels in my mouth, the consequence of it, is just beautiful.
— Aoife, Ireland


(noun) a very slight difference in meaning, sound, colour or somebody’s feelings that is not usually very obvious

  1. The politician's speech was rich in nuance, addressing the complexities of the issue rather than oversimplifying it.

  2. When learning a new language, it's essential to grasp the nuances of pronunciation to convey meaning accurately.

  3. The artist used a subtle palette to capture the nuance of light and shadow, creating a painting that was both realistic and emotionally evocative.

  4. During the negotiation, the diplomats paid close attention to the nuances of each other's statements, searching for potential areas of agreement or disagreement.

  5. The actor's performance was praised for its nuance, as he skillfully portrayed the character's conflicting emotions with depth and authenticity.

Join my online Christmas quiz!

I’m going to be organising a free, interactive Christmas quiz for my students and followers. Would you like to join? 👉🏻 Click here! 👈🏻


English Advent Calendar: Day 10


English Advent Calendar: Day 5