Mastering Phrasal Verbs: How to Use ‘Keep Up’ to Improve Your English Fluency


🙀 so many meanings! 🙀

If certain weather keeps up, it continues without stopping

keep up with someone/something 🚴🏻‍♀️

​to move, make progress or increase at the same rate as someone/something

🚫😴 keep somebody up

​to prevent someone from going to bed

keep something 🔁 up

1️⃣ to make something stay at a high level

2️⃣ to continue something at the same level

3️⃣ ​to make something remain at a high level

4️⃣ ​to continue to use or practise something

5️⃣ ​to take care of a house, garden, etc. so that it remains in good condition




🩷 She struggled to keep up with the rest of the group during the hike.

❤️ If you want to succeed in this class, you'll need to keep up with the reading assignments.

🧡 It's hard to keep up with the latest tech trends because they change so quickly.

💛 I can't keep up with all the events on my calendar this month.

💚 Anna works extra hours to keep up with the demanding workload.

🩵 I try to keep up with current events by reading BBC news every morning.

💙 We need to keep up the house if we want it to look nice.

💜 She always keeps up with the latest fashion trends.

🩷 Even though we live far apart, we keep up with each other through text.

❤️ The small dog had to run fast to keep up with its owner on the bike.


Welcome back to day 10 of my phrasal verb miniseries! 🥳🥳🥳. Among the numerous phrasal verbs that we are encountering in this series , ‘keep up’ stands out due to its versatility and frequent usage in everyday conversations 👀. Whether you’re striving to stay updated with the latest trends, maintain your performance in a demanding task, or simply keep pace in a fast-moving world, ‘keep up’ is the perfect expression to articulate these actions 👌🏻. In this blog post, we will delve into the various meanings and uses of ‘keep up,’ providing practical examples and tips to help you seamlessly integrate this phrasal verb into your English vocabulary 🫶🏻. Let’s embark on this journey to enhance your language skills and ensure you can ‘keep up’ with ease! 💪🏻💪🏻

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