Unlocking Phrasal Verbs: Exploring the Many Meanings of 'Make Up'


1️⃣ to form something 👐🏻

2️⃣ to put something together from many different things 🤲🏻

3️⃣ to invent a story, especially to entertain or trick someone 🧐

4️⃣ to complete an amount or number required 🔢

5️⃣ to replace something that has been lost; compensate 😅

6️⃣ to prepare a medicine by mixing different things together 💊

7️⃣ to prepare a bed for use 🛌


to end an argument with somebody and become friends again 🫂🫂🫂

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☺️ Welcome to day 12 of my phrasal verb miniseries! ☺️ If you’ve been following my latest blog posts, you’ll know that phrasal verbs are a fascinating and integral part of the English language, often adding nuance and complexity to our everyday conversations. 🤓 Among these versatile expressions, the phrasal verb ‘make up’ stands out due to its myriad meanings and uses. In this blog entry we will delve into the diverse interpretations of ’make up’, from its role in reconciliation and creativity to its applications in forming excuses and compensating for lost time. Join me as we unlock the secrets of this multifaceted phrase and enhance your understanding and usage of English phrasal verbs. 🥳🥳🥳




🫂 After their argument, they decided to make up and be friends again.

🧐 She loves to make up stories for her children at bedtime.

👐🏻 Women make up 50% of the workforce in this company.

😅 He worked extra hours to make up for the time he missed.

🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 The teacher asked the students to make up groups of four.

🧐 He tends to make up excuses when he's late for work.

😅 She missed the exam, so she has to make up the test next week.

🫂 After a long discussion, they managed to make up their differences.

🛌 He had to make up the bed after washing the sheets.

💊 The nurse had to make up the medication for the patients.

👐🏻 Several small islands make up the archipelago.

Struggling with phrasal verbs or have a question about my online English courses? Fill out the contact form below and I’ll get back to you! 🩷💜❤️


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