Mastering Precision: How to Use 'Such' Effectively in Your Everyday Communication

👩🏻‍🏫 Today’s grammar focus is the word 👉🏻 such. You should use such, not so, before a noun or a noun phrase. For example, Poor Things looks like such a great movie or it’s such a beautiful day here in London. Can you think of some more examples?

so vs such

🤓 We often use so and such followed by a that clause to talk about a consequence or an effect. We often omit that in informal contexts.

  • We use so before an adjective or adverb: Griselda is so good! / He ate breakfast so quickly.

  • We use so much with uncountable nouns and so many with plural nouns: She has so much information about places to visit/ I have read so many fictional books recently.

  • We use such + a/an + adjective + singular countable noun and such + adjective + plural or countable noun: I always have such a good time exploring new places. / She has such great knowledge on history.

More Examples


More Examples 〰️

  1. She had never seen such a breathtaking sunset before.

  2. He faced such a challenging dilemma that it took him days to decide.

  3. Griselda is such a great series!

  4. Don't make such hasty decisions without considering the consequences.

  5. We appreciate your help; it's rare to find such genuine support.

  6. Such unexpected kindness from strangers restored her faith in humanity.

  7. The concert was such a phenomenal experience that the memories lingered for weeks.

  8. It's essential to appreciate such small victories in the journey of personal growth.

  9. The view from the mountaintop was such an unforgettable moment of the trip.

  10. They faced challenges such as lack of resources, but their determination led to success.

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